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Travel tips for a stress-free Christmas holiday

Whether you’re spending the special day abroad or just having some well-earned time away during the holidays, there’s plenty of things to make sure of when travelling around Christmas.


Here are some important tips to take note of in order to keep the festivities fun and stress free while on holiday abroard;

Plan well ahead

As with almost all airlines, the earlier you book, the cheaper your flights will be. Accommodation can also get quickly booked up as families visit over the Christmas period, so in most cases…the earlier you book, the better.

If you’ve missed the good prices and your trip is looking out of budget, then it can sometimes pay off waiting for a last-minute deal, as no one wants empty seats or rooms.

Pack light

You may be giving some of the presents away in your cases, but what’s the point of packing full to the brim?

You may receive more or bigger presents, or what about Christmas shopping, we haven’t even got to that bit yet.

The festive period offers up exclusive presents and gifts that you’ll simply have to bring back, and of course many shops have sales in the run up and immediately after Christmas day.

Wouldn’t it be a travesty if you had no room for any new items, or even worse, stung with expensive excess baggage charges at the airport, making that new purchase not such a bargain after all...


Be prepared for travel disruptions

Believe it or not, Britain isn’t the only place on the planet that comes to a standstill over the festive period.

If you’re reliant on trains/buses, check they’re running, especially ones to get you to the airport. If not be prepared to pay inflated prices for a taxi, and potentially a long wait for one.

Also give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination. Flying on Christmas Eve may seem like a great or even cost-effective option at the time, but if it means you miss a big part of the most important day of your trip due to delays, is it really worth it?

Snow has been known to ground many planes over the holidays, as well as other freak weather. So, wherever you’re travelling, make sure you have every base covered.

Make the bank holidays work to your advantage

Christmas is a great time to travel thanks to the numerous ‘Bank Holidays’ during the festive period.

Take 2018 for example. If you were to travel on the 22nd December and come back on Tuesday 1st January – your 11-day trip would use up just four days annual leave!

Save yourself more days to use throughout the rest of the year with this simple little trick.

Keep your home safe

The one many forget about. In the midst of your exciting getaway, make sure you take all precautions for keeping your home and possessions safe while away.

Lock everywhere up, and if possible, get a neighbour or family member to come each day to open/close the curtains, and bring in any mail/milk that may be piling up. All tell tail signs to potential thieves that no one’s home.


Credit: Pixabay


Taking the above tips can utilise your Christmas break and make it one to remember, rather than forget.

Be savvy and once your trip is all booked, make sure you’ve got insurance, and remember the number one rule. Having your passport in date and with enough time left for the country you are visiting. Oh and don’t forget it!

Start planning a Christmas holiday to remember right here!